Power BI Pro vs Premium vs PPU Licensing

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Businesses of all sizes are turning to Power BI in increasing numbers. Before you can reap the benefits of Power BI as a powerful data visualization and analysis tool, you have to understand the differencing in Power BI Pro vs Premium vs PPU licensing cost. In this article, we’ll explore the features and benefits of Power BI Pro vs Premium vs PPU licensing.

Pricing for Each License Type

Visit Microsoft for more info

Power BI Pro vs Premium vs PPU Licenses

What are the different features of the PRO, PPU, and Premium Licenses

Power BI Pro vs PPU vs Premium Features

What are some of the limitations of the Pro and PPU licenses

Report Sharing

Sharing Power BI reports is a great way to get insights from your data and work with others on projects. But there are some limitations to be aware of before you start sharing. One of the main limitations of Power BI is that report sharing can be complicated and costly.


When you share a report with people outside your organization, they receive an email with a link to the shared report or dashboard. The recipient has to sign in to Power BI to see what you shared. This process is not very streamlined and causes angst with users.


Each person you share the report with will require a Pro or PPU license.  If the don’t have a Power BI Pro or Premium Per User (PPU) license, they have to purchase a license and licensing cost can add up quick.  If you would like to share your report with 50 users, then you will need a total of 50 Licenses which would take your cost up to $500 per month for Pro licenses and $1,000 per month for PPU licenses.

Access to Reports

If your Power BI workspaces is a PPU workspaces than anyone accessing the report will also be required to purchase a PPU license to view the data so licensing cost can add up quickly.  In additional, with PPU you are not able to export report to PDF, PPPT, or PNG if you are utilizing Power BI Embedded.

Solution to sharing, complexity, and cost of Pro and PPU licenses

One way to give users access to data without having to purchase a license is by using Power BI embedded. With Power BI embedded, you can embed your reports and dashboards into other applications. This is a great way to give users access to your data without having to purchase a Power BI license and it makes it very easy to share your Power BI with internal and external users.

What is Power BI Embedded

Power BI Embedded is a service that enables developers to embed reports, dashboards, and visualizations into their own applications. With Power BI Embedded, you can quickly create custom, data-rich experiences without having to build the infrastructure or manage the data.  You will need a developer that understands the Power BI API to make this happen.


Power BI is an amazing tool and understanding the licensing cost, complexity, and limitations of the each license type is very important.  Power BI embedded technology an great alternative to these limitations.  One quick way to get up an running on Power BI Embedded to save on licensing cost and make sharing Power BI content easy to use use a preconfigured tool like Podium BI Portal (www.podiumbi.com) which offers these benefits :

  • Connects to your Power BI content with only one Power BI Pro license
  • Makes sharing your content easy to both internal and external users easy without worrying about incremental licensing cost
  • Customize the portal to match your company’s branding
  • No need to hire a developer to code and figure out the API
  • All the same great features you love about Power BI
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